Are Poodles Good With Kids?


As a pet owner, are you trying to find the perfect breed for your family? If so, have you considered Poodles?

These are some of the cutest breeds on earth and are great with kids.

However, it is essential to consider that all dogs are different and may not be perfect for every family.

In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about whether or not Poodles are good with kids.

Poodles and Families with Kids

Poodles are a great family dog because they are very intelligent and easy to train, so they are able to learn some basic commands.

There are three varieties of Poodles:

  • Standard Poodle
  • Miniature Poodle
  • Toy Poodle

Poodles are considered good with kids because they are usually very gentle and always eager to please their owners or family members. 

Poodles are also great for children who are allergic to dogs because they do not shed a lot like some other dog breeds. 

Poodle is also considered a hypoallergenic dog, so it won’t cause any irritation whatsoever when touching someone’s skin with an allergy to animal fur.

Most owners would say that you have had the best experience if your first time interacting with the breed was as a kid. 

There would never be anything more rewarding than seeing your child interact positively with them too!

Benefits of Owning a Poodle for Families With Children

The Poodle is an excellent dog breed for families with children. 

They are well known to be gentle and kind, from their loving temperament to the way they are bred. 

The Poodle has a high intelligence level which means it will try its best to listen no matter what the situation. 

It also makes them very eager learners as long as there are rewards involved in training!

Poodles Are Easy To Train

Poodles are known for being easy to train. 

They are also very intelligent, so they learn quickly and enjoy the work. 

Their obedient nature makes them a suitable choice of a family dog for kids who have trouble getting pets to do what they want!

Poodles Are Well Behaved

Poodles are also very well behaved. 

They are known for not barking or being destructive, which is excellent for families with children who are just trying to get some sleep!

Poodles Are Hypoallergenic

Poodles are considered hypoallergenic. 

This means that they are less likely to trigger allergies in people who are sensitive and are much cleaner than some other dog breeds!

Lifespan Can Last 20 Years!

The lifespan of this breed averages anywhere from 18 – 22 years old, meaning you’ll get many years out of your pet before he has passed away.

Poodles Are Excellent Watchdogs

Poodles are also very good at guarding your home. 

They are known to bark and growl when someone is approaching, which can be a perfect way for children to feel safe in their own homes.

They Are Easy-Going On Furniture

Another thing that distinguishes the Poodle breed from other dogs is that they are not destructive with furniture or belongings around the house! 

This makes it easier for parents who don’t want to worry about small tears or scratches showing up after playtime with kids.

Poodles Are Less Likely To Scare Away Neighbors

One of the best aspects of owning a Poodle is that you’re less likely to have any complaints filed by your neighborhood association! 

This is because of their friendly nature, which brings a great rapport with other people.

Poodles Are Fun To Play With

Poodles are also very playful and energetic. 

They are known for being willing to play any game a child wants, whether it’s fetch or tug of war!

Poodles Are Not Aggressive

Poodles are also not aggressive and are known to be gentle. 

They will never try to attack or hurt anyone in the family, which is especially helpful for children trying to learn how to interact with dogs!

Poodles Are Low Maintenance

Poodles are also very low maintenance. 

They are known for not needing a lot of grooming, bathing, or exercise. 

This makes it easy for parents who are running out of time and patience!

Lively and Friendly Nature

The most important thing, especially for children, is that this breed has a lively and friendly nature. 

They are always happy around humans, both adults and children alike!

Poodles Are Loyal to Their Family

One of the best things about this breed is that they are very loyal to their family. 

Poodles are known for sticking with you through anything and everything, which can be a great way to teach children responsibility!

Drawbacks of Owning a Poodle for Families With Children

Poodles are not the best choice for families with children that are rough on their toys. 

Poodles will be aggressive and nip at people who are too harsh with him, which can hurt a child or toddler if they are playing rougher than usual. 

The other downside to owning a Poodle is the cost. They are a more expensive breed, making them not the best choice for families on a budget.

Poodles Are Sensitive To Being Handled Too Roughly

One of the drawbacks to owning a Poodle is that they are sensitive to being handled too roughly by children. 

They are known for nipping at people who are playing rougher than usual, which can hurt younger kids or toddlers if their parents aren’t paying close attention!

Poodles Are Expensive

One of the drawbacks to owning a Poodle is that they are costly. 

They are one of the more price-intensive dog breeds on the market, making them not ideal for families looking for something affordable!

Poodles need regular grooming

Although Poodles are known for being easy maintenance, they are still high-maintenance in terms of grooming. 

They require regular brushing and bathing to keep their curly coat clean!

Poodles Shed a Lot

This is one downside that all parents should be aware of before deciding on this breed as a family dog. 

Their fur sheds quite frequently, which can cause small messes around the house if it isn’t caught right away.

Undersized Dogs Are Not Safe for Children

One drawback to owning a miniature or toy Poodle is that they are considered undersized by many dog standards. 

Kids often lack patience with small dog breeds, so once again, this doesn’t make them the best choice for families who have active kids or toddlers at home!

Require Regular Exercise

Another downside is that Poodles require quite a bit of exercise every day. 

They are active dogs who need lots of space outside with plenty of room for running around to make sure they don’t become bored and irritable from lack of activity.

Poodles Might Bark When Left Alone Without Attention

Poodles are known for being very vocal dogs. 

They are often more likely to bark or cry when left alone without attention, which can be pretty frustrating if you’re trying to get work done around the house!

Poodles May Jump on People

One downside of owning a Poodle is that they are quite energetic and bouncy. 

This means that they are also prone to jumping up on family members in excitement. 

They could knock over any young children who might not have been paying close enough attention.

Require Plenty of Patience

Another downside is that they are extremely sensitive and need constant attention from family members if a Poodle owner wants them to remain healthy without any behavioral issues developing. 

It takes a lot of work on behalf of the family to maintain a Poodle properly. 

They are prone to developing behavioral problems if they are not cared for or given enough attention.

Require Early Socialization

One last downside is that a mini Poodle may be very shy when it comes to strangers. 

They are quite sensitive around people outside of their immediate household, making them challenging pets for families with children who are always meeting new friends!

In Short, Are Poodles Good With Kids?

Yes, Poodles are good with kids. Poodles are known for being gentle and loving dogs, which are perfect traits to have when it comes to caring for children.

Poodles are great with kids because they are low-maintenance pets who don’t require much space or attention. 

They are also very playful animals who provide hours of entertainment. 

Poodles tend to be calm indoors, but outdoor Poodle owners may want to watch out as the breed is prone to barking at other people and animals in their area if not socialized well enough earlier on in life. 

However, this can easily be solved by obedience training classes that teach the pup how to take control over his surroundings instead of feeling threatened by them.

Lastly, there’s no need to worry about your furry friend not being able to tolerate the high-pitched screaming of a toddler. 

Poodles are known for being very good with deaf or hearing impaired children because they can sense that something’s wrong and will respond accordingly.

What Size of Poodle Is Best For Kids?

There are three size varieties of Poodles:

  • Standard: 18-24 inches
  • Miniature: 11 -14 inches
  • Toy: under 9 – 11 inches

The best size of Poodle for a child is a Miniature Poodle, as this is the best size to be able to control.

The toy variety of Poodles are not recommended for kids because they are too fragile and are easily broken and hurt.

Standard-sized Poodles are also not ideal-sized dogs for children due to their larger physique that may be hard for them to manage on walks or around furniture in the house.

However, the miniature Poodle is perfect for a small child to take care of on their own.

If you are considering adopting or are planning on getting your Poodle from a breeder, it’s important to know the size that will work best with the needs of both you and your child.

Miniature Poodles are small enough to not interfere with any physical activities like running around outside or playing inside. 

They are also sturdy yet gentle dogs who are easy-going and playful.

Poodles, in general, are bred as companions for children due to their high intelligence levels and friendly nature, which make them ideal pets for kid’s families!

How To Introduce Your Children to a Poodle

If you are not sure if your children are ready for a Poodle, there are some ways to introduce them.

Start by reading books about dogs and their different breeds with the kids to familiarize them with various types of dog breeds that exist out there.

Give the child an opportunity to play with a Poodle puppy at home or the park so they can get used to being around one without feeling forced into it because it is new. 

Watch how they interact when playing with other family pets, too, as this will help determine whether or not they are interested in interacting with other animals outside of just humans.

If possible, have someone bring over another adult’s pet who has been well socialized to see how the child interacts with it.

Plan outings to dog parks or other places where a variety of dogs are, and let them observe from afar for a while before approaching different breeds one by one.

Introduce children gradually to the idea that not all animals are good pets and some are better suited than others based on their instincts – like cats are more territorial in nature so that they would be better as an indoor pet.

 At the same time, Poodles are more socialized in nature, making them seem like perfect pets for kids because there is less chance of getting into trouble when interacting with humans if they live inside versus outside.

Final Thoughts

Are Poodles good with kids? Yes, they are. Poodles are great for children of all ages. They are family-friendly dogs who are very intelligent and easy to train.

However, before you decide to get a Poodle, you should be aware of their grooming needs and health problems.

 If these are not too much for you or your family member, then, by all means, go ahead and adopt one!

Poodles are very good with kids because they are intelligent, friendly dogs who are easy to train. 

Poodles do need some maintenance though, so be sure that this is something your family can handle before adopting a pup!