Dogs make great pets. But, not every dog is the best choice for a family.
Some breeds are better suited to families with allergies or other special needs. It’s not easy because many breeds shed, and dogs who don’t shed still might have dander or hair that causes allergies in some people.
If you have a child with severe allergies or asthma, then you must find a dog that does not shed much hair and has few allergens. Here are some of the best hypoallergenic dog breeds for families!

Affenpinschers are small, sturdy dogs with a fox-like face. They have short hair and don’t shed much at all!
Affenpinscher can be good for people who suffer from allergies because they produce less dander than other breeds of dog do (dandruff is the cause behind most allergic reactions).
These little guys love to play games like fetch or Tug of War so you’ll never get bored when playing together in your living room — even if it’s just on rainy days indoors where these pups thrive best since their coats repel water well too!.
This breed has an average lifespan between 12 – 15 years old which makes them perfect as family pets that will grow up alongside kids over time without being replaced.
American Hairless Terrier

The American Hairless Terrier is a breed of dog that has hair only on the head, feet and tail. This makes them an excellent choice for dog allergy sufferers because they do not shed much at all!
They are also very intelligent dogs who can be trained to perform tricks or other tasks with ease due to their intelligence level being so high (they’re ranked as one out of five in terms).
These little guys make great pets if you live somewhere where it’s warm year-round like Florida since these terriers have no fur which means less shedding during winter months when most people suffer from allergies more often than usual.
Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier is a small dog with short hair. They are very friendly and make great family dogs because they don’t shed much at all!
These dogs also have low levels of dander, which makes them perfect for people who suffer from allergies or asthma symptoms when around animals that do not produce fewer allergens than other breeds like the Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever or German Shepherd Dog.
The downside to this breed? It’s possible these little guys could be too shy if you’re looking more towards an outgoing pet rather than one suited best as just your average homebody pup that needs some attention every now again (which can happen).
Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a small white fluffy dog that loves to be around people. They are very friendly and affectionate, but they don’t shed much hair at all!
This makes them perfect for families with allergies or asthma because of their low-shedding coat which doesn’t produce as many allergens in the air when it’s brushed regularly (or bathed).
The only downside about this breed? The Bichon Frise can have some health problems like eye issues due to its protruding eyes from an elongated skull shape; however, these dogs live long lives so you won’t need another pet anytime soon if your family has one already.
Coton de Tulear

The Coton de Tulear is a hypoallergenic dog that does not shed much hair. This breed has long, silky fur and they are very friendly with kids!
The only downside to this type of pup would be their high energy levels which can make them difficult for some families who live in small spaces or have limited time outside the home each day.

Havanese are small, fluffy dogs with long hair. They come in many different colors and can be either short or longhaired (although they usually have more fur if it is longer).
Havanese do not shed much at all! This makes them one of the best hypoallergenic dogs for families who want to avoid shedding altogether because their coats will just need occasional brushing instead. This means fewer allergens floating around your home too!.
The downside? These little guys don’t always get along well with other animals so you might find that this breed isn’t right as an only pet unless there’s someone else living there full time like another person from within your family unit.
Irish Water Spaniel

A quiet and docile breed, the Irish Water Spaniel does not require a lot of work to maintain. They are gentle with children but protective when necessary.
The Irish Water Spaniel is a great big hypoallergenic dog for families.
The coat is curly without being woolly or dense, which can make it more challenging to groom than most dog breeds’ coats.
This breed has an average shedding rate and does not have any known allergens, making it one of the best breeds to consider if you are looking at getting your family pet from this list!
These water-loving spaniels make great companions in both fresh or saltwater environments as they love swimming around with their owners while hunting down prey items such as ducks on land that can be easily flushed out by these dogs who enjoy retrieving them back into shoreline areas.
Kerry Blue Terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a dog breed that was bred to hunt rats in Ireland.
They are not good watchdogs because they will bark at anything and everything, but their friendly nature makes them great for families with children or other pets!
These dogs do shed hair occasionally so you must brush your pet regularly if he has long fur like the coat on this terrier to prevent shedding from becoming an issue around those who have a pet allergy.
Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a breed of dog that originated in Italy. It has been used as both an upland game hunter and water retriever for centuries, but it was not officially recognized by the American Kennel Club until 2009!
The coat on this hypoallergenic breed does shed some hair so you will need to brush them regularly with one or two sessions per week being ideal. However, they do have minimal dander which makes their fur perfect if your family suffers from allergies like asthma !!! They are also very friendly dogs who love children!
If there were any downside at all then maybe just the fact that they are not the best guard dogs!!!
But if you’re looking for a dog who is friendly, loving and hypoallergenic then this dog breed might be perfect! They also have an average life expectancy which means your family will get plenty of time with them.
Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso is a small dog that has long hair and does not shed much. They are very good with children, but they can be difficult to train because of their stubbornness!
They do need regular grooming though so you will have the opportunity for some bonding time together as well if your child wants help brushing or combing them out after every walk outside to keep up on shedding fur from clothes.
The downside? These dogs don’t like being left alone at all times which means it might take more work than other breeds who enjoy spending lots of quality family time by themselves while everyone’s gone during daytime hours.

The Maltese is a small, white dog with long hair. It has no undercoat and does not shed much at all!
This dog breed makes an excellent pet for people who have allergies or asthma because it doesn’t cause any allergic reactions in most cases and they are very easy to groom too (just brush once per week).
The only downside of this pup? They can be quite snappy so you’ll need some patience when training them if your family includes children that might get scared easily by the sudden movements from smaller dogs like these.
Mexican Hairless Dog

The Mexican Hairless Dog is a breed that has no hair and does not shed. They are very friendly, loyal dogs who love to play with children!
This dog would be perfect for families or people living in warmer climates because they do best when the temperature stays between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit (18°C).
The only downside of this hypoallergenic pup? It’s one big drooler so make sure you have plenty on hand if your family likes playing outside together often during hot summer days.

The Poodle is a very popular dog breed in the United States. They have a curly hypoallergenic coat and don’t shed much hair at all! Poodle’s coats come in many different colors, so they can be found to match any family or home decor style.
There are Poodles of different sizes. From the miniature toy Poodle to the large Standard Poodle.
The only downside of pups like this one? The Poodle price tag might make them hard for some families on tight budgets
Portuguese Water Dog

The Portuguese Water Dog is a breed that was originally bred to help fishermen in Portugal.
They are very intelligent and energetic, which makes them perfect for families with children who need lots of exercise!
The Portuguese Water Dog does not shed much hair at all so it’s great if you have allergies or asthma problems too because they won’t be as likely to trigger an attack from this furry friend.

Schnauzers are a great choice for families with allergies. They have hair instead of fur, so they don’t shed much at all!
Schnauser’s also come in different colors and sizes to suit any family needs or preferences – from miniature schnauzer puppies that can fit into your purse up to giant Schnauzer ones that need lots more space.
There is a Schnauser out here just right the size requirements needed by every type of household imaginable.
Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu originated from the Chinese culture where they were bred for their delicate appearance as well as temperament. They suit most households very well because these dogs don’t need much exercise but still enjoy being around people!
Shih Tzu is a small hypoallergenic dog. They do not shed much hair and they have very little allergens, so it’s perfect for families with allergies or asthma!
They also get along well in apartments because of their size which makes them great apartment dogs too!
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is a great choice for families with allergies. This dog has short, soft hair that does not shed much and it is considered to be one of the least allergenic dogs out there!
They also have an adorable curly tail which kids will love too!. This breed needs regular grooming but it’s worth every minute because this pup makes such good company in your home or on walks around town.
The only downside? These pups need lots more exercise than other breeds so make sure you’re ready before adopting them into their new family life!! If these qualities sound like what would work best within our household then we should adopt them today.
Spanish Water Dog

The Spanish Water Dog is a breed that does not shed much hair and has few allergens.
They are also very intelligent, which makes them easy to train for families with children who want an active dog!
The downside of this hypoallergenic breed? Its high-maintenance coat requires regular grooming from professional groomers or dog owners alike in order to maintain its beautiful appearance.
This low shedding canine will be perfect if you’re looking into getting one as a part-time companion animal too since they require less maintenance than most breeds out there today – just make sure their fur doesn’t get tangled.
West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier is a small, white dog with prick ears and an otter tail. They are very friendly dogs that love to play!
This breed does not shed much hair at all which makes them perfect for families who have allergies or asthma problems because they will be less likely to cause any reactions in people around the home.
Final Thoughts
There are many hypoallergenic dog breeds out in the world. Some people have allergies or asthma and need a dog that will not trigger any reactions, so they should look into getting one with low shedding hair.
When choosing which hypoallergenic dog breed works best for your family lifestyle, it’s important to consider the size, hair type and personality of each breed.