
Are Dachshunds good apartment dogs?

Are Dachshunds Good Apartment Dogs?

The Dachshund is a fairly popular dog breed, mainly in cities. They are smart, playful, and loyal dogs, although they are known to be quite stubborn.

But, are Dachshunds good apartment dogs?

Dachshunds can be good dogs for apartment living. It’s a small breed that adapts well to living in small spaces. They are active and lively dogs that as long as they have daily exercise and are properly trained and socialized, they are great companions for apartment life.

But he’s not a suitable pet for everyone. If not raised properly from an early age, he can become destructive, aggressive, or fearful.

Dachshunds need a loving owner who understands and can meet their needs well, especially when living in a small apartment.

What You Should Know About Living with a Dachshund

Living with a Dachshund dog

Dachshunds, also known as the sausage dog, weiner dog, or baidger dog, are a dog breed characterized by his short legs and long body.

There are three varieties of Dachshunds that have different types of coats: shorthaired, longhaired, and wirehaired. There are also three sizes of Dachshunds: standard, miniature, and “rabbit”, although the most common and recognized are the standard and the miniature Dachshund.

Dachshunds have a fun and loving nature. They are smart, playful, and lively dogs. Although, they are hunting dogs that are usually quite stubborn and prone to chasing small animals.

But although they were originally bred to hunt, they are now excellent companions who have a reputation for being very entertaining.

Is a Dachshund a Good Family Dog?

Dachshunds can be great family dogs as long as they are properly trained. They are loving, playful, and loyal dogs that generally get along well with children if treated well.

You have to be cautious when they are with small children. Due to their size and body shape, they can be accidentally hurt if they are handled incorrectly and can react aggressively.

They don’t usually get along with other dogs, so they are better suited to homes where he is the only dog or where he lives with another Dachshund.

Are Dachshunds High Energy Dogs?

It can be thought that due to their size and complexity, Dachshunds are low energy dogs that require little exercise. But in reality, it’s just the opposite.

They are dogs that were bred to hunt. They are active dogs with a lot of energy and they need a lot of exercise to stay healthy and happy.

A Standard Dachshund needs a minimum of 60 minutes of exercise a day and the Miniature Dachshund needs at least 30 minutes. But both of them would be the happiest to exercise more if allowed.

Exercise helps a Dachshund prevent being overweight. Additionally, daily exercise is good for keeping them mentally stimulated and helps prevent behavioral problems.

Be careful not to over-exercise a Dachshund puppy because due to its physical completion he can develop some physical problems.

A puppy needs five minutes of exercise a day for every month of age. At first, some playtime is enough exercise for a puppy, and once it’s fully vaccinated, you can start taking a walk.

Are Dachshunds Low Maintenance?

There are three varieties of Dachshunds that have different coat types: shorthaired, wirehaired, and longhaired.

Shorthaired Dachshunds are relatively low maintenance in terms of grooming. You only have to brush them about once a week and bathe them every month.

The other two varieties need much more care, especially the longhaired Dachshund. You need to brush their coats daily since they are more likely to get matted.

Are Dachshunds Easy to Train?

Dachshunds have a reputation for being difficult to train. They are independent thinkers, with a stubborn streak, and a mischievous tendency.

But they are also very intelligent dogs that are eager to learn new things and, with positive reinforcement, they can quickly understand what you want them to do.

To make training a Dachshund relatively easy, you have to be patient and consistent. Some tips that help train a Dachshund successfully are:

  • Use positive reinforcement to train. Just reinforce good behavior with praise and treats and ignore unwanted behaviors. You have to avoid punishments since they only scare and confuse your dog.
  • Avoid distractions during training. Dachshunds are easily distracted and need to be able to focus only on you.
  • Keep training sessions short. Better results are obtained by having several five-minute sessions during the day instead of a long one.

Are Dachshunds Hard to Potty Train?

Potty training a Dachshund can be quite a challenge. Dachshunds are smart dogs, but they are generally stubborn and are hard to housetrain.

However, being consistent and consistent will allow you to successfully housetrain your pup.

When living in an apartment there are usually two options to potty train a dog. The most recommended option is to teach them to go to the bathroom outside since this allows them to have more mental and physical stimulation by going out more times.

In cases where it’s difficult to take out to the bathroom a dog, pee, or grass pads can be used in an apartment.

To potty train your dog to go to the bathroom outside it’s necessary to follow these steps:

  • Regularly take your dog outside to a designated place. This helps prevent accidents inside the apartment and allows your Dachshund to associate it with going to the bathroom. At first, it is necessary to take him out every hour and gradually you can space the trips.
  • Reward with praise and treats when he does his things in the desired place.
  • If you find your Dachshund doing his things inside the apartment, interrupt him with some sound and take him outside right away so that he ends up outside. Reward him when he’s done doing it outside.
  • In case of finding accidents inside the apartment, avoid punishing your dog as he will not relate the accident with the scolding and you will only make him afraid of you. Just try to clean the area well with a suitable cleaner so that no odor remains.

The process to train them to use a puppy pad is similar to the previous one, but instead of taking him outside, you have to constantly take him to the pee pad.

Dogs do not usually go to the bathroom in the places where they eat, sleep and play, so it’s necessary to ensure that the place where the pads are placed is separated and away from them.

Although it’s difficult, with patience and perseverance it can be achieved. It is recommended to spend two to four weeks to be able to train them properly.

Can Dachshunds Be Left Alone?

Leaving alone a Dachshund for more than four hours is not recommended. They are pack animals and need to be close to their family.

If left alone for long periods, Dachshunds can manifest anxiety and stress, and even develop separation anxiety.

It’s common for Dachshunds to display behaviors such as excessive barking, howling, and destructive chewing when left alone for long periods.

Do Dachshund Dogs Bark a Lot?

Dachshunds were originally bred as hunting dogs so barking is part of their nature.

Although some Dachshunds bark more than others, they are generally dogs that bark at everyone and everything.

The main reasons a Dachshund can bark excessively are:

  • To protect their territory and alert that there is something or someone they perceive as a threat.
  • Frustration and boredom due to lack of attention and exercise.
  • Anxiety, especially when left alone.
  • To attract the attention of his owner, either to go out to the bathroom or to play.

When living in an apartment, the excessive barking of a Dachshund can cause problems for the neighbors. But, while Dachshunds cannot be stopped definitively from barking, they can be trained to control the excessive barking.

Are Dachshunds Expensive to Own?

Owning a Dachshund, as with any pet, comes with a financial responsibility that needs to be seriously considered.

The initial cost, which usually includes medical expenses, basic accessories, and training among other things, can be between $500 to $1,500.

Some of the recurring costs that must also be considered are:

  • Food. Around $50 per month.
  • Toys. Between $25 and $50 per year.
  • Medical Expenses. About $200 to $500 a year.
  • Pet Insurance. Between $10 to $50 a month.

To all this, we must consider that there are always unexpected expenses for which we must be prepared.

Before adopting a pet, we must ensure that we can financially cover his needs so he can have a happy and healthy life.

Is a Dachshund a Good Apartment Dog?

Dachshund apartment dog

A Dachshund can be a great apartment dog. It’s a small breed that adapts very well to living in small spaces and, although they are quite energetic and need to be physically active, they need less exercise than other dogs.

But, although they can be great roommates, Dachshunds are not dogs that are generally easy to live with. There are some drawbacks to consider before sharing an apartment with them. Some of these drawbacks are:

  • Dachshunds bark a lot.
  • Dachshunds are high energy dogs.
  • Dachshunds can bark excessively and be destructive when left alone.
  • Dachshund can become suspicious and aggressive towards strangers and other dogs.

But fortunately, some tips can help you make Dachshunds the ideal companions for apartment living.

Tips for Raising a Dachshund in an Apartment

Raising a Dachshund in an apartment

Teach Your Dachshund Not to Bark to Much

Dachshunds generally tend to bark at everyone and everything, and although they are small dogs, they have a deep and loud bark.

Although it’s neither possible nor recommended to make a dog stop barking, it’s possible to minimize it and control excessive barking.

One of the ways to train a Dachshund to stop barking is to teach him the “Speak” command and then the “Quiet” command.

To teach a dog to stop barking they first have to understand the “Speak command.

  • Do something that makes your dog start to bark. Knocking on the door usually works well.
  • When he begins to bark, approach him a treat and say the “Speak” command in a firm, calm voice and immediately give him the award.
  • Wait for him to stop barking and repeat until he masters it and starts barking on command.

When your dog masters the “Speak” command, we can teach him the “Quiet” command.

  • Get your dog to start barking with the “Speak” command.
  • While he is barking, bring him closer to the treat and say “Quiet” with a firm and calm voice.
  • Wait for him to stop barking completely and give him the treat and praise him.
  • Repeat the process but gradually increase the time between he stops barking and you give him the treat.

This training works best when it’s done in a place without distractions and your dog is hungry and has just exercised.

If this training is done several times a day consistently for a week, your Dachshund will understand perfectly when you want him to be silent.

Provide a Daily Exercise Routine

They are intelligent and high energy dogs that need daily exercise and mental stimulation.

On the one hand, they can be overweight and have serious health problems. On the other hand, if they do not have enough daily physical activity and mental stimulation, they usually manifest destructive behaviors or excessive barking.

For this reason, it’s essential to establish a daily exercise routine for your Dachshund.

The best and easiest way to exercise a Dachshund is to go out for a walk a couple of times a day.

A Dachshund needs at least one hour of exercise a day, so two 30-minute walks a day may be more than enough to keep your dog happy and healthy.

Always try to take him out for a walk at approximately the same time. This helps your dog distribute his energy during the day accordingly.

Also, a daily routine, not only of exercise but also of meals and playtime, helps your dog to know what to expect during the day, which makes him feel more secure and calm.

Walking not only helps your dog have the physical activity he needs, but also provides environments that stimulate his sight and smell while keeping them mentally active.

It’s worth mentioning that Dachshunds are picky about the weather. They usually resist going for a walk when it rains or there is snow. But it’s important not to allow these resistances from them and teach them to tolerate the weather since daily exercise is extremely important to them.

You Must Use the Correct Harness

To take a Dachshund for a walk, it is safer to wear a harness instead of a collar.

Dachshunds have fragile backs and necks and are prone to back injuries, and when wearing a collar it’s easier for them to get hurt.

But due to the peculiar shape of his body, it is usually difficult to find a harness that fits properly. His prominent chest causes many harnesses to not adapt well and put a lot of pressure on his windpipe.

Investing in a good harness for your Dachshund is essential so they can go out and enjoy their daily walks.

Get Help When You Have to Leave Your Dachshund Home Alone

Dachshunds don’t cope well when left alone for long periods. When left alone they often show signs of stress and anxiety that can manifest as destructive behaviors.

But there are times when it’s impossible to prevent them from being alone at home.

In these cases, there are a few things you can do to help your Dachshund better manage the time they are left alone.

Some tips are:

  • Provide him with a good long walk before he is left alone. After exercising, a dog is more relaxed and usually rests the time he is alone.
  • Leave him his favorite toys to entertain him. Puzzle and chewing toys are a good option.
  • Seek the help of a neighbor or family member to take your dog for a walk in the middle of the morning. This helps decrease the time your dog is alone. There are also professional Dog Walkers and Dog Sitters services that can help you.
  • If you are leaving your dog alone often, consider taking him to a Dog Daycare.

Training and Socialization Are a Must for Dachshunds

Dachshunds are very intelligent, lively, and stubborn dogs. But while training can be challenging, if they are not properly trained and socialized from an early age, they can develop several serious behavioral problems.

You have to start training your dog from the first day he arrives at our home. It’s not only necessary to start potty training your dog immediately, but also obedience training. 

Enrolling him in obedience classes with a professional trainer has many benefits for your dog.

An important aspect of training is setting the rules of the house from the beginning.

It’s common to be more permissive with small dogs than with large breeds. But all dogs must have clear limits since this helps them regulate their behavior.

Just as important as training is socialization. Socializing involves exposing your puppy to many different sounds, sights, and smells, as well as various situations, people, and animals.

Socialization helps your dog have more tools to face different situations in his life and strengthen his self-confidence.

Final Thoughts

Dachshunds can be excellent apartment dogs but they aren’t the ideal breed for everyone.

It has a temperament that not everyone can easily adapt to They need a committed dog owner who knows their needs well and is willing to meet them.
