Where Is the Best Place To Put a Dog Crate in The House


Crate training a new young puppy or an older dog is a milestone in your dog’s life and your journey together. After picking a high-quality crate, you need to decide on where to put dog crate in house.

Finding the best place for your dog’s crate can be tricky. Your dog’s crate should be a comfortable welcoming place where the dog can relax. Keep on reading to learn where to set it up.

Crating 101

Crate training your dog is one of the rules that you should focus on when you’re training your canine baby, just like teaching them to stop chewing on furniture. A crate represents a comfortable spot where your dog can relax when you want to limit access to other rooms and areas in your home, and can also be used to transport your dog in the car.

A crate shouldn’t be used as a punishment or tool to suppress your dog’s natural behavior. Here are a few things that you need to think about before you start crate training your pooch.

  • Make sure that you have picked a suitable type for your dog. Crates can be made of plastic, metal, or fabric.
  • Plastic and fabric crates are ideal for smaller dogs, while metal crates are suitable for overly active and bigger canines. Collapsible crates are suitable for people who are always on the go because you can easily store the crate when it’s not needed.
  • Pick a size that is suitable for your dog. If the crate is too small, your dog might be stressed because they will feel trapped.
  • Understand the purpose of the crate you’re buying. Some crates are made to restrict access to specific spots in your home. These crates should be sturdy enough to withstand the activity of your dog.
  • Some models are used to transport your dog from one location to another, so you need to make sure that you’re buying a lightweight model.
  • Don’t keep your dog in the crate for too long. Adult dogs need to get enough daily exercise, and human interaction makes them feel happy and healthy. Keeping your dog crates all day can make them feel too anxious and even depressed.
  • Take your dog for a walk or allow them to play for a while before putting them in the crate. Pooches will feel too bored if they have energy that they can’t channel, and keeping them in the crate can result in destructive behaviors.
  • Puppies under the age of 6 months shouldn’t be left alone in the crate for more than 3 hours. Keeping them alone and away from their humans can cause separation anxiety. Puppies can be too stressed after being separated from their mothers, and keeping them in the crate will make things worse.
  • Make sure that the dog has time to relieve themselves. Puppies and dogs don’t like to soil their crates, so you should make sure that they take a toilet break every 3 or 4 hours to relieve themselves.
  • If you’re using the crate as a transitional phase, switch between the crate and an enclosed area like a kitchen or a closed room.
  • Avoid using the crate to keep the dog when you’re at work. If possible, come during your lunch break to take your dog out and help him, or her feel more comfortable. If this is not possible, ask a family member or a dog walker to take your dog out.
  • When you leave the house, keep the door of the crate open after your dog has been properly trained. Make sure that there’s a comfortable dog bed where your pooch can lay down if they need a safe space.

Where Should You Put Your Dog Crate in the House?

Before picking the right spot for the crate, make sure that your dog won’t be isolated. Choose a spot where the dog can still get human interaction by seeing people in your home.

Staying away from humans can make your dog stressed and uncomfortable. When the crate is in a faraway or isolated room, your dog will feel like they’re trapped.

At the same time, you shouldn’t put the crate in a busy spot where there’s a lot of foot traffic. People moving around can make the dog too excited and stressed. They will also feel that they want to get out to join the fun.

The best spot is a corner in the family room, the living room, in the kitchen, or in the dining room, where the family gathers, but there isn’t much foot traffic.

Make sure that the dog doesn’t feel isolated or punished because they will feel sad. For this reason it is a good idea to put the crate in your bedroom.

Does My Dog Hate Being in the Crate?

A lot of people think that crates are cruel because dogs don’t like to be confined. However, this is not true.

As long as you have chosen a proper size and and the right crate bedding, your dog won’t feel uncomfortable or restrained. As a matter of fact, dogs appreciate having a safe calm spot where they can be on their own to relax or sleep.

Pooches love to have a special place that they can claim to be their own, so they will love their special crate, as long as you have spent the time to pick the right spot to set it up.

Your dog will run to their crate when they’re tired after a long day of walking and running. They might find comfort in the crate when there’s a thunderstorm or when they’re annoyed by fireworks. This is why you need to pay attention to how you pick the crate and how you set it up.

How to Introduce the Dog to the Crate

Dogs are pretty sensitive. This is why you need to be careful when introducing the puppy to the crate for the first time. If your puppy associates the crate with a negative experience, things can become very challenging.

  • Start by showing your puppy that the crate is a nice happy place where they can feel safe. You can do that by putting their favorite treats and toys inside, so your dog will be encouraged to spend time inside the crate.
  • If you feel that your pooch isn’t that excited about using the crate, give them time. Pushing your puppy to do something that they’re not comfortable with will only cause more stress and discomfort.
  • Make sure that there’s comfortable bedding inside the crate. Choose bedding that is waterproof and chew-proof.
  • Don’t use the crate to punish your dog. Otherwise, he or she will become too stubborn and can act aggressively when you want them to stay inside the crate.
  • If you feel that the puppy is uncomfortable, use a blanket on top of the crate to create shelter. Dogs like to live in their special cave, and a blanket will give them this privacy.
  • It’s recommended that you don’t put water and food in the crate to keep it clean. Moreover, this will raise the need for more bathroom breaks when you’re not around to let your dog out.
  • If your pooch is suffering from a medical condition that can make them dehydrated, it’s a good idea you should invest in a tip-proof water bowl that your dog won’t be able to knock over while they’re moving around. You can also buy a water bottle or bowl that attaches to the crate, so there will be no risk of messy spills.
  • Get your puppy to feel more comfortable in their crate by feeding them their meals while they’re inside. As long as you’re present, you can remove the food after your dog is full, so they can associate the crate with positive experiences.
  • If your dogs are properly trained, you can use the same crate for a maximum of two dogs. This will work only if you have smaller dogs or puppies that aren’t overly active or aggressive. It’s recommended that you have a second crate for the best results to help them enjoy their privacy.

Final Thoughts

A crate is a safe spot where your dog can enjoy some privacy. You can use it while house training your dog to make sure that your pet will stay where they should be when you’re not around.

The best place to set up a crate in your home is somewhere where the dog won’t feel too isolated. At the same time, it shouldn’t be a busy spot with lots of foot traffic; otherwise, the dog will become too anxious.
