Are Bulldogs Good Apartment Dogs?


The Bulldog, also known as the English Bulldog, is a popular medium-sized dog breed. Although he was raised to fight bulls as a sport, he is currently a gentle family pet.

Bulldogs are admired and recognized for their determination, loyalty and friendly personality.

But are Bulldogs good apartment dogs?

English Bulldogs are perfect for apartment living. They are calm indoor dogs with minimal exercise requirements. A breed that hardly barks and with a friendly and playful personality, known for being loyal companions and great family dogs.

What You Should Know About Owning a Bulldog

Bulldog Personality

Bulldogs are characterized by their friendly and patient personality.

Stubborn in nature but with a tender and gentle disposition.

It’s a very entertaining, intelligent and loving breed.

They are predictable, dependent and people-oriented dogs, so they constantly need and request people’s attention.

Are Bulldogs Good Family Dogs?

Bulldogs are considered excellent family pets. They are easygoing, social and with a kind and tender temperament.

They are known for being loyal and trustworthy which makes them great companion dogs.

They are also very good with the children, they can spend hours playing and clowning with kids. 

They tend to create strong bonds with children and to get along with other dogs and pets.

Are Bulldogs Good Guard Dogs?

With an intimidating appearance, Bulldogs were originally bred for dog fights and bull-baiting (hence their name), and they are robust and strong dogs.

But they are very sociable and friendly dogs, even with strangers. They are not dogs that would attack a thief if he is alone at home, it is more likely that he will receive him lovingly.

But Bulldogs are very protective and loyal with their owners. If an English Bulldog feels that someone in his family is in danger, he will protect him regardless of the threat.

Do Bulldogs Bark a Lot?

Although they have a deep and loud bark, they are almost non-barking dogs which makes them great dogs for apartment living.

Although this doesn’t mean that they don’t make noise. Having a Bulldog means living with snorts and snores constantly throughout the day.

Mainly a Bulldog only barks when startled by something, like a stranger or a sound.

Other common reasons a Bulldog can bark are:

  • Fear
  • Depression
  • Excitement

Bulldogs also tend to be territorial so they often bark when they feel that a stranger or animal is approaching their home. This causes him to start barking every time someone approaches the door.

Can Bulldogs be Left Alone?

Although the English Bulldog is a sociable breed that enjoys being with its owners, they are dogs that can be left alone.

But it’s necessary to train them, preferably when they are puppies so that they learn to handle well being alone at home. Otherwise, they may suffer from separation anxiety.

You have to prepare them gradually to stay home alone. First, you have to leave them alone for short periods and not make a big fuss every time you go out or come home.

They can gradually be left alone for longer, as long as they show no signs of anxiety. You can increase the time he is alone at home only when he is handling it well. 

You do not have to force it or rush the process, the dog sets the tone.

Are Bulldogs Good Indoor Dogs?

The Bulldog is an indoor dog that does not need a yard making it an excellent medium-sized apartment dog. It’s not good for his health to be out all day.

For Bulldogs is difficult to regulate the temperature of their body so they don’t tolerate the extreme temperatures of living outside.

Since they are not able to cool off easily, being exposed to hot climates can lead to heatstroke.

They also don’t handle cold climates well. Breathing very cold air can quickly cool their internal temperature.

But this does not mean that they shouldn’t go outside on a sunny day. Going out to play and do some exercise is good for their health.

You just have to be attentive to him and try to bring water to refresh him if necessary.

Bulldogs Exercise Needs

Bulldog Exercise Needs

Although it’s a fairly lazy breed that likes to relax alongside his owner, he also enjoys taking walks occasionally.

But while exercise isn’t the Bulldogs’ strength, it’s essential to their health. If not properly exercised, Bulldogs tend to easily become overweight which can lead to heart or joint health problems.

Bulldogs are one of the breeds most affected by the brachycephalic syndrome, a condition that affects short nose dog breeds and can cause severe respiratory distress.

This causes them difficulty in keeping their bodies cool, making them sensitive to heat and physical exertion. This is why you should avoid exercising them on hot days and overexercising them as it can make it difficult for them to breathe. Stairs and swimming pools are also a risk to their safety.

Bulldogs need to have a moderate amount of exercise regularly. A 15 minute walk is more than enough for them.

Bulldogs Grooming Needs

Bulldog Grooming

Bulldogs short coats need little grooming and are moderate shedders. Brushing them three times a week helps keep their coat healthy.

If they are brushed regularly, they don’t need frequent bathing.

They are moderate shedders, they don’t normally shed heavily, although in spring and fall they shed a little more hair. In these seasons it’s necessary to brush them more often.

Also, if they don’t wear them naturally, their nails should be cut about every two weeks so that they don’t cause pain and discomfort.

But English Bulldogs do have special needs when it comes to their skin.

The folds on their face should be checked and cleaned regularly. We must make sure that they are dry and clean as it’s easy for them to fill with dirt or humidity and cause skin problems and infections.

Training & Socialization Needs

Bulldog Socialization

Bulldogs are smart, devoted and easygoing dogs who like to please their owner, although they tend to be stubborn dogs.

Although they are considered difficult to train dogs since they are independent thinkers and do not respond immediately to commands, when a Bulldog learns something, he learns it well.

Bulldogs respond well to training when sessions are fun and based on positive reinforcement and repetition.

Likewise, as with all dogs, early socialization is essential for a Bulldog to grow well behaved and with a uniform temperament.

Dogs that are not properly socialized can have fearful and aggressive behaviors. Socialization teaches them how to behave and how to deal with children, strangers and other dogs.

Socialization helps them learn to communicate properly with other dogs and avoid misunderstandings between them that can lead to unwanted situations.

Is a Bulldog a Good Apartment Dog?

raising a Bulldog in an apartment

Bulldogs are perfect for apartment living. They are low-maintenance dogs that don’t need a lot of space and require little exercise. Bulldogs are perfect apartment roommates who barely bark and are characterized by being sociable and friendly dogs. It’s an ideal dog breed to live in urban environments.

Tips for Raising a Bulldog in an Apartment

1. Exercise Is Essential, Even If He Doesn’t Want To

Bulldogs have a lazy disposition, if it were up to them they would spend lounging on the couch all day.

But while they don’t require a lot of physical activity, they do need to take regular walks to stay healthy.

Although every dog is different, most Bulldogs are satisfied with a couple of short 15 minute walks a day.

Also, being very playful dogs, a good and fun play session is a great exercise for the Bulldog.

You should remember never to over-exercise them or exercise them in hot weather since it’s dangerous for their health.

2. Start Potty Training as Soon as Possible

One of the first things we have to do when living in an apartment is to start potty training a Bulldog as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that puppies need to do the bathroom more often than an adult dog.

In general, a puppy can’t hold his bladder the equivalent of his months of age in hours. That is, a three month old puppy can hold it for up to three hours. On the other hand, an adult dog can hold it for six to eight hours.

To start to potty train a Bulldog, the most important thing is to establish a potty routine.

First, you have to establish a potty spot in a place near the apartment building and preferably with grass. Dogs get used to doing their things on certain surfaces so it’s good to get them used to do on grass since the beginning.

When they are puppies, it’s necessary to take them outside to the selected spot to potty approximately every hour, and overtime gradually space the time of the exits. This helps avoid accidents inside the apartment and allows your dog to get to know and get used to going to the bathroom in the selected area.

At first, it’s impossible to avoid accidents inside the apartment. In these cases, it’s useless to scold them. You just have to make sure to clean the area well with an enzymatic cleaner (here you can find a selection of good enzymatic cleaners) to make sure that there is no trace of odor left.

If we find them doing it at the moment, they have to be interrupted and taken out quickly so that they finish doing their things outside.

With time, patience and perseverance your dog will begin to notify you when he needs to go outside to do the bathroom. 

Dogs are clean animals and whenever they have the option they will do their things outside their home.

For apartment living, dog grass pads can be a great help and an alternative to going to the bathroom outside.

3. Leaving a Bulldog Home Alone

Although Bulldogs are a calm and undemanding breed, they are also dogs that need their owner’s interaction and attention.

Bulldogs thrive better alone than other dogs. But if they are left alone for long periods they become bored and can show destructive behaviors and suffer from separation anxiety.

To help your dog better manage the time he spends alone, some tips can help you.

  • Take your Bulldog for a walk just before leaving him alone. A tired dog will spend most of the time alone sleeping and resting.
  • Leave your dog his favorite toys so that he stays entertained and channel his energy and attention in something other than your personal belongings.
  • Provide your dog with a comfortable space where he feels safe. He will need a bed to rest on, his toys and water on hand.
  • If your dog is going to be left alone for a very long period, ask a friend or hire a dog sitter to visit your dog and spend time playing with him and taking him outside for a potty break.
  • Keep an eye on your dog with a pet camera to see how he is handling being alone. Pet Cams are cameras that you leave in your apartment and allow you to see your dog from wherever you are with a cell phone or computer. Some even allow you to talk to them and even give treats to them.

4. Beware of the Building Stairs

When living in an apartment with a Bulldog, especially if it doesn’t have an elevator and you live in one of the upper floors, you have to take into account the stairs.

For a Bulldog going up and down the stairs is difficult, but not impossible.

Their short stature, heavy body and small legs make stairs a challenge.

It’s common for Bulldogs puppies to be afraid of stairs, especially going down the stairs due to the height and their poor coordination.

Also climbing stairs can be dangerous for puppies under 12 weeks of age. They can hurt their joints or increase the risk of hip dysplasia.

Although for an adult Bulldog it can be a way to exercise indoors, you always have to be vigilant about it. 

Climbing stairs requires a lot of effort and it’s not good for Bulldogs’ health as it takes a lot of effort and can make it difficult for them to breathe.

5. Keeping Your Bulldog Cool

Due to English Bulldogs’ problems in regulating their body temperature, you should always be vigilant in hot weather. It’s a breed prone to heat stress and heatstroke.

Some tips to prevent a Bulldog from overheating are:

  • On very hot and humid days, don’t take your dog outside and keep your apartment adequately air-conditioned.
  • During hot seasons, take your dog for a walk in the early morning or late in the evening when the weather is cooler.
  • Never leave a Bulldog alone in a car, even if the windows are down.
  • Always carry water with you when you go out with your dog so you can cool him down id necessary.

Final Thoughts

The English Bulldog can be considered one of the best dog breeds for apartment living. It’s a pet with a personality that makes it the perfect apartment roommate.

Whether we live in a house or an apartment, we most know the characteristics and particular needs of a dog well. 

Adopting a dog is a long-term commitment and we must be sure that it’s the best choice for our lifestyle and that we can offer him the best life.
